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for {corporates}
I help define, champion and deliver companies' strategic responses to opportunities brought about by emergence of new technologies.
The below service continuum reflects my specific areas of expertise - from qual/quant research to accelerating organisational awareness, solution design and readying new capabilities for operational adoption.
Available as modular packages or as an end-to-end service.

{Map technologies & trends}
There is a huge amount going on, and the pace of change is hard to keep up with.
I identify, research and evaluate technologies, in line with your business priorities.
This can be delivered as a one-off project, or as part of a retained regular update service to suit your requirements.

{Making it all relevant}
"To what end"
I advise Board and operational leadership on the impacts of new technologies for existing and future commercial and operational delivery models, tracking new economic models, partnerships and strategies emerging from use of these technologies.

{Targeted ecosystem engagement}
I engage with large vendors through to niche innovation brokers, clients, academia, accelerators, intermediaries and start/scale-ups to consistently find the best new capabilities out there.
I have an extensive existing network, helping you identify the right capability efficiently.

{Identify specific use cases}
I work with you to identify how these technologies can actually fit into or help transform your business.
This can be done via high-level workshops, right through to sophisticated solution co-creation involving multiple stakeholders and combining multiple technologies in novel ways.

I design innovation programmes and clear paths from idea conceptualisation to proving how a technology works, through to trial and then pilot in live operations.
Knowing how a business can adopt a solution gives initiatives better chance of success, and is attractive to suppliers (especially quality scaling companies).
It also assures pipeline visibility and tracking of innovation RoI.

{Wrap new solutions fit to scale}
A lot of organisations run innovation initiatives and new tech R&D programmes. Too often though these are conducted in isolation from operations, and too often organisations see little real RoI from their efforts.
I help wrap new solutions so that operations are ready and crucially able to receive them - meaning benefits are much more likely to be realised.
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