I've hummed and ho'd about posting this. I've found it a useful representation insofar as it has helped people unfamiliar with the technologies ground potentially abstract concepts in things that are familiar and accessible - the linear high-level steps in a process.
However.. the challenge I have with depicting these technologies in this way is that it reinforces the notion that AI and automation technologies are mere interventions that can make individual steps in a process more efficient / better. It constrains thinking to doing things the way we do them today, just a bit better, rather than having the potential to fundamentally transform what we do in the first place. With that caveat in mind...
A typical front office process and where the techs fit in:

A typical back office process and where the techs fit in:

Obviously these are very high-level views. Typically organisations will develop much more granular customer journeys based on client data, understanding the physical, digital and emotional steps along that interaction.
What is newer about this is the feedback loop. Outcomes once generated, based on new or refreshed information, should automatically feed back into the system for subsequent transactions. Data is generated as learning material, not just fodder for reports and a pipeline of 'traditional' change or continuous improvement work.
I really do want to repeat the caveat at the start of this - the very first step in any of this is to consider how these techs could affect the whole journey and purpose of contacts. Let's not just do what we do because its always been done that way.